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Old 09-21-2012, 11:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 1,443
Default ÍÕÑ*Çø borderlands 2 black box repack ÈÍÌã 3.8GB Úáì ÃßËÑ ãä Ó*ÑÝÑ

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ÍÕÑ*Çø borderlands 2 black box repack ÈÍÌã 3.8GB Úáì ÃßËÑ ãä Ó*ÑÝÑ

A new era of shoot and loot is about to begin. Play as one of four new vault hunters facing off against a massive new world of creatures, psychos and the evil mastermind, Handsome Jack. Make new friends, arm them with a bazillion weapons and fight alongside them in 4 player co-op or split-screen on a relentless quest for revenge and redemption across the undiscovered and unpredictable living planet.

Borderlands 2 follows the story of four new Vault Hunters as they fight to free Pandora from the clutches of Handsome Jack, the brilliant, charismatic, and utterly despicable CEO of the Hyperion Corporation.

ÇáÍÌã //
3.8GB ãÞÓãÉ Úáì 19 ÑÇÈØ
ØÑ*ÞÉ ÇáÊÞÓ*ã // 200MB ááÑÇÈØ


Last edited by bntrak; 09-22-2012 at 01:19 AM.
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