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Old 10-29-2012, 01:32 PM   #1
Join Date: Oct 2007
Location: ÑÇß æÇáÚÇáã æÑÇß
Age: 34
Posts: 4,470
Default ÈÑäÇãÌ Gmail Notifier Pro 4.3.5 áÝÊÍ Ç*ã*áÇÊ ÇáÌì ã*á æÇÏÇÑÊåÇ ÈÔßá ßÇãá æÑÇÆÚ


Gmail Notifier Pro 4.3.5

ÈÑäÇãÌ áÝÊÍ Ç*ã*á ÇáÌì ã*á æÇÏÇÑÊå ÈÔßá ßÇãá æÓÑ*Ú æÓåá ááÛÇ*É æ*ãßäß ãä ÝÊÍ ÇßËÑ ãä Ç*ã*á Ýì äÝÓ ÇáæÞÊ

Feature highlights
- Check multiple Gmail accounts, including Google Apps, for new mail.
- Supports both Atom and IMAP protocols for mail.
- Supports customizable themes and individual account settings, making Gmail Notifier Pro the best looking Gmail notifier on the web!
- Read, write, reply, preview and save attachments, mark as read and delete mail without the web browser. Supports Google Contacts.
- Integration with Google Calendar accounts gives reminders for calendar events.
- Get news notifications from Google News & Google Reader.
- Supports RSS/Atom feeds to get notifications from any news source.
- Gmail Notifier Pro provides many easy-to-use features and settings.
- Define schedules when to check for mail and display notifications.
- In addition to the installation package, Gmail Notifier Pro can also run from a USB-stick without any installation.
- Gmail Notifier Pro supports automatic updates. A new version can be downloaded and installed with a single click.
- Secure account management and encrypted connections (HTTPS / SSL) are used. 100% FREE from virus, spyware and adware.
- Gmail Notifier Pro is simply the best Gmail notifier for Windows.
- Supports 32-bit & 64-bit Windows XP, Windows Vista & Windows 7.

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