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Old 11-20-2012, 01:20 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 14,534
Default ÍÕÑ*Ç ÇááÚÈÉ ÇáÃÓÊÑÇÊ*Ì*É Stronghold Legends-RELOADED




Stronghold Legends-RELOADED

Stronghold Legends-RELOADED (Full ISO/PC/2006)
English | Platform: PC | Release: November 7, 2012 | 1.56 GB
Genre: Strategy

ÃÓÇØ*Ñ ãÚÞá åæ ÇÓÊÑÇÊ*Ì*É ÇáæÞÊ ÇáÍÞ*Þ* (RTS) áÚÈÉ Ãä *Èä* Úáì ÊÑÇË ÑÇÆÚ ÇáÍÕä¡ æÇáÌãÚ È*ä ÕæÑ ÇáãÊÞäÉ æãÊæÇÒä ÊãÇãÇ ÇááÚÈ ãÚ ÃÓÇØ*Ñ ãáÍã*É ãä ÇáÚÕæÑ ÇáæÓØì. æ*Öã ãÌãæÚÉ ãä ÇáÇÈÊßÇÑÇÊ ÇáÌÏ*ÏÉ ÈãÇ Ý* Ðáß ËáÇËÉ ÃäãÇØ ÝÑ*ÏÉ áÈäÇÁ ÇáÞáÚÉ¡ æËáÇËÉ ÇáãäÇÙÑ ÇáØÈ*Ú*É ááÞÊÇá ÚÈÑ ËáÇËÉ ÓÈÇÞÇÊ ááÓ*ØÑÉ - Çáãáß ÂÑËÑ æÝÑÓÇä áå ÇÌÊãÇÚ ÇáãÇÆÏÉ ÇáãÓÊÏ*ÑÉ¡ ÝáÇÏ ÏÑÇßæáÇ ÚÏÏ Ì*Ôå æÇáÔÑ¡ æÇáãáÇÍã ÇáÊÇÑ*Î*É Seigfried ÃáãÇä*Ç - æãÌãæÚÉ ãä æÓÇÆØ ãÊÚÏÏÉ ÌÏ*ÏÉ ãË*ÑÉ.

Stronghold Legends is a Real Time Strategy (RTS) game that builds on the fantastic Stronghold heritage, combining beautifully crafted visuals and perfectly balanced game play with the epic legends of the Middle Ages. It features a range of new innovations including three unique castle styles to build, three landscapes to fight across, three races to control - King Arthur and his Knights of the Round Table, Count Vlad Dracul and his evil army, and the historic sagas of Seigfried of Germany - and a range of exciting new multiplayer modes.

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* 4 áÇÚÈ ãÊÚÏÏÉ ÇáÚãá

* 24 missions over 3 unique campaigns featuring legends like King Arthur, Vlad Dracula and Dietrich von Hildebrand
* 31 unit types -- almost twice the number in Stronghold 2
* More siege equipment and castle traps - Werewolf launchers, infernal balls, stake hurlers, tunnel systems, dragon harpoons, dispel bombs, magic gardens and more
* 3 new playable races, 3 new castles to build
* 4-player multiplayer action


* Windows XP / Vista
* 2.0 GHz processor
* 512 MB of RAM
* 2.5 GB Hard Disk space
* 64 MB Video Card with hardware T&L (minimum); 128 MB with pixel and vertex shaders recommended
* Note: Not compatible with all integrated sound/graphics solutions including laptops DirectX 7.0 compatible Sound Card Online mode for up to 4 players requires 512 Kbps broadband Internet connection or faster

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