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Old 11-23-2012, 06:50 PM   #1
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 4,641
Default ÃÞæì ÈÑäÇãÌ áãÚÑÝÉ ÏÑÌÉ ÍÑÇÑÉ ÇáÞÑÕ ÇáÕáÈ æ ãÏÉ ÇáÚãá æ ãÚáæãÇÊ ÊÝÕ*áÉ Acronis

Acronis Drive Monitor

*Þæã ÇáÈÑäÇãÌ ÈÚÑÖ ãÚáæãÇÊ ÊÝÕ*á*É Úä ÌåÇÒß æ ßÐáß *Þæã ÈÅÕÏÇÑ ÊäÈ*åÇÊ Ý* ÍÇá ÍÏæË ÎØÑ !!

Determine the health of your hard disks
There are three unavoidable certainties in life: Death, Taxes and Hard Disk Drive Failures.

Acronis does not have a solution for the first, we leave that to a higher authority; however, we can make sure that your financial records, photos, videos and other items of sentimental or monetary value are protected so that you can cherish the memories and pay your taxes on time!

Computers have become a necessary part of our daily lives and we have become dependent on instant access to the data stored on the hard drives inside our PCs. Just about everyone has either experienced a disk failure or knows someone that did. It's unavoidable as all disks eventually fail. This is why Acronis developed Acronis Drive Monitor as a free tool for the community at large.

Early warning to save your data
Acronis Drive Monitor can help predict when a hard drive is about to fail, giving you the chance to backup your data before disaster strikes. When Acronis Drive Monitor identifies a problem, it generates an email or onscreen alert describing the specific finding. It offers a simple and easy to understand explanation of the alert guiding you to the steps you need to take to remedy the issue. A color coded summary provides an overview of the disk's health at a glance and weekly reports summarize the findings.

Integrates with Acronis Home products for greater data safety
Users of the latest versions of Acronis True Image Home 2012 and Acronis Backup and Security 2011 PC backup and recovery software can take advantage of Acronis Drive Monitor's ability to trigger an immediate, automated backup if any disk shows signs of imminent failure.

Automatically checks for disk problems
Works on any Windows PC, workstation or server.

Monitors Event logs
Flags events that may indicate that data is in danger so you can back it up.

Receive alerts immediately
Sends an email and displays a message on the Windows taskbar when it uncovers a disk-related problem.

Weekly status reports
Shows the electromechanical health of all your drives in one report.

Can support RAID drives too
Scripting allows you to monitor RAID controllers not using S.M.A.R.T. monitoring technology. An Acronis forum acts as a clearinghouse for users to share scripts.

Three kinds of support
An Acronis forum, a knowledge base with dozens of articles and a built-in help function are available for this easy-to-use software application

ÇáÊÍã*á åäÇ Download Here

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