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[B]SimCity is a city-building/urban planning simulation video game developed by Maxis, a subsidiary of Electronic Arts. It is a reboot of the SimCity series.[9][10][11] It was released on March 5, 2013 in North America, and will be released on March 7, 2013 in Europe and March 8, 2013 in the UK on Microsoft Windows.[5] The OS X version is scheduled for release during Q1/Q2 2013.[8]
Contents [hide]
1 Gameplay
1.1 Multiplayer
2 Development
2.1 Engine
2.2 Audio
3 Release
4 Reception
4.1 Pre-release
4.2 Critical
4.3 Awards
5 References
6 External links
A user-built city in SimCity that specializes in education.
Along with many of the cosmetic changes (such as up-to-date 3D graphics), SimCity uses the new GlassBox engine. "We try to build what you would expect to see, and that's the game," explains system architect Andrew Willmott, meaning that visual effects such as traffic, economic troubles, and pollution will be more obvious. Two other new features are a multiplayer component and finite resources.[12]
Unlike previous games in the series, the game will have non-orthogonal and curved roads and zoning areas that can conform to different road types.[13] Types of zones will include residential, commercial and industrial.[14] The density will be driven by the types of roads built around these zones.[15]
Cities in a region are connected to each other via predefined regional networks such as highways, railways, and waterways. Elements such as traffic and air pollution will be visible flowing between cities.[16]
Terraforming – Creative Director Ocean Quigley stated that all of the terraforming in the game is going to be at the civil engineering scale, and will be the natural consequences of laying out roads, developing zones, and placing buildings.[16]
Transportation options – There are a number of options that are included, such as boats, buses, trams, and planes.[17]
Customization – Maxis has indicated that the game will support modding, but will not do so at launch like previous versions.[18]
Modules in SimCity are attachable structures that can add functionality to existing user-placeable buildings. One example is the extra garage for fire stations, which can provide additional fire trucks for increased protection coverage.[19][20]
The user interface, which was inspired by Google Maps and infographics,[21] was designed to convey information to the player more clearly than in previous SimCity games.[22] Animations and color-coded visual cues that represent how efficiently a city functions are only presented when needed at any given moment.[14][22] [23] For instance, opening up the water tower instantly changes the landscape to a clear world where the density of water is recognizable.[14] Or clicking on the sewage tab will immediately show how the waste of the citizens is flowing, and where the system is over capacity.[22][23] Some of the other visualized data include air pollution,[24] power distribution,[14] police coverage,[22] and zones.[23]
Many resources in the game are finite. Some are renewable, such as ground water. Lead gameplay engineer Dan Moskowitz stated, "If you've built up an entire city on the economic basis of extracting a certain resource, when that resource runs out your economy will collapse."[25]
Different from previous SimCity titles, each type of zone (residential, commercial, and industrial) is not divided into density categories. Instead the density of the roads next to them determines the type of buildings that will be created there. This means that there is only one of each zone type, and density of the buildings are determined by the density of the roads. [26]
Roads in SimCity are one of the most fundamental elements of the mechanics. Unlike previous SimCity games, roads carry water, power, and sewage. There are also many new tools for drawing roads. They include a straight line tool, one for making rectangular road squares, one for making sweeping arcs, one for making circles, and one for making free-form roads. There is also a more diverse range of roads to choose from. Starting at dirt roads and going up to six lane avenues with street car tracks, the density of the roads determines the density of the buildings next to them. So dirt roads will only ever develop low density buildings. There are two different categories of roads, streets and avenues. Streets are 24 meters wide and avenues are 48 meters wide. Since all streets are the same width, a dirt road can be upgraded to a high density street. In order to upgrade a street to an avenue you need to fully demolish the old street and replace it with a larger avenue. When high and low capacity roads intersect, the higher density roads have the right-of-way and so stop lights and stop signs will be automatically placed. In order to space the roads so there will be enough room for buildings to develop, road guides are shown when you hover over an existing road.[26] The act of road building creates a spline on which the SimCity Glassbox interacts with the simulation. When these splines intersect it becomes a reticulated spline which develops the underlying spline network.[27]
Players will be able to specialize cities on certain industries, such as manufacturing, tourism, education, or others. Each have distinct appearances, simulation behavior, and economic strategies.[28][29] Players have the option to heavily specialize on one or build multiple specializations in any given city for diversity.[16] The game will feature a simulated global economy. Prices of key resources like oil or food will fluctuate depending on the game world's supply and demand.[30] In particular, if players all over the world are predominantly selling drilled oil from within their game onto the global market, this will drive the price for this resource down. Conversely, a resource that has experienced very little exposure on the world market will be a scarce resource, driving the price up.[31]
This version of SimCity will be the first to feature full online play since Maxis's SimCity 2000 Network Edition,[1] allowing for regions to house multiple cities from different players. Regions can alternatively be set to private for solo play.[28] SimCity will require players to be logged into EA's Origin service to play the game, including when playing single player. An active internet connection will be required every time the game is launched and must be maintained throughout gameplay.[32] The connection is asynchronous,[32] so any brief network disturbance will not interrupt the gameplay[19] though outages of longer than three minutes will cause loss of gamestate.[33]
Collaboration – Cities in a region can share or sell resources, and work together to build “Great Works”,[28] such as an Arcology.[17]

[hide]System requirements
Minimum Recommended
Operating system Windows XP/Vista/7/8 Windows 7/8
CPU AMD Athlon 64 X2 Dual-Core 4000+ or better, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0GHz or better Intel Core i5 or faster
Memory 2GB 4GB
Hard drive space 12GB
Graphics hardware ATI Radeon HD 2x00 or better nVidia 7800 or better. Intel Series 4 integrated graphics or better. Minimum of 256MB of on-board RAM and Shader 3.0 or better support nVidia GTX 275 or better, or ATI 5850 or Better
Network Minimum 256 kbps download, 64 kbps upload
Mac OS X[34]
Operating system Snow Leopard 10.6.4
CPU Intel Core 2 Duo Processor 2.0GHz or better
Memory 4GB
Graphics hardware NVIDIA 9400M/ Intel HD3000
Prior to its announcement, the German magazine GameStar leaked concept art. Soon thereafter, a pre-rendered trailer was leaked. The official announcement took place on March 6, 2012 at the Game Developers Conference. Initially it was revealed that the game would be available for the Windows platform,[4] and a later OS X edition was confirmed.[2] EA showcased two new trailers for the game at the Electronic Entertainment Expo 2012, showcasing in-game graphics for the first time.
In August 2012, applicants were allowed to sign up to test closed beta versions of the game that were later released in January and February 2013, in order to perform load testing on the game servers.[35][36][37]
SimCity creative director Ocean Quigley confirmed that a OS X version was in development, but would not be released at the same time as the Microsoft Windows version.[38] A Maxis graphics engineer had earlier commented that the purchase of the Windows version through the Origin platform will entitle access to the future OS X version.[39]
EA/Maxis is developing the game using a new simulation engine called GlassBox, which takes a different approach from previous simulation games. Those games first simulated high-level statistics and then created graphic animations to represent that data. The GlassBox Engine replaces those statistics with agents, simulation units that represent objects like water, power, and workers; each graphic animation is directly linked to an agent's activity.[40] For example, rather than simply displaying a traffic jam animation to represent a simulated traffic flow problem, traffic jams are instead produced dynamically by masses of Sim agents that simulate travel to and from work.[41] A four-part video has been released featuring Dan Moskowitz, the lead gameplay engineer, talking about the engine simulation behavior.[42]
The game’s audio is bound to the pulse of the simulation. When a building is running a simulation rule like generating power for example, its driving music and sound effects that are synchronized to the overall beat of the simulation. The audio is telling the player what the simulation is doing.[12] Audio Director Kent Jolly stated that cars in the game are tracked individually. When a car leaves an intersection, the simulator plays a sound of a car pulling away. The sound also changes based on the speed of the game. As cars go faster, the audio is matched to what the player sees, while remaining true to the actual traffic.[43]
Chris Tilton is the composer of the game's orchestral score. The music subtly adjusts to the player's experience based on various game states. An example of this is when the view is zoomed out, the player will hear a fuller version of the score. When zoomed in, certain elements of the tracks are taken away. This is done to help make room for all the activity going on in the player's city. The music tracks are also written with population in mind, and the game exposes the full playlist as the player's city develops and grows.[43]

SimCity was first released on Microsoft Windows in North America on March 5, 2013, available at retail and download through Origin. The release was met with criticism, as the high volume of users connecting to the EA game servers caused many severe software bugs to manifest to those playing the game. Multiple users reported long loading times, disconnections, crashing, and loss of saved game data.[44][45][46][47][48] Some publications have accused the game's persistent online authentication as the root of the issues and compared the launch to that of Diablo III, which also requires an internet connection in order to play.[44][47][48]
On Thursday, March 7, EA installed a hotfix to their servers that disabled some "non-critical gameplay features (leaderboards, achievements and region filters)" in a bid to ease the server load. [49]


The neutrality of this section is disputed. Please do not remove this message until the dispute is resolved. (January 2013)
On December 14, 2012, the SimCity development team ran a questions and answers session on the internet community Reddit where they received criticism for the game's DRM-mechanisms, which require the user to be permanently connected to Electronic Arts' servers in order to be able to play the game.[50][51] The video games-focused blog Kotaku also voiced concern over the issue, worrying that Electronic Arts could one day shut down their servers, rendering the game unplayable.[51]
This prompted a blog response from Lucy Bradshaw, Maxis Senior Vice President, in which she defended the always-online component with the comment that "real cities do not exist in a bubble; they share a region and affect one another." She goes on to say that increased connectivity to neighboring cities allows for a better experience, allowing for better trade and wider scale effects such as crime and pollution to keep synchronized across the region.[52] Bradshaw also noted the performance benefit due to the engine utilizing EA's server hardware to assist in gameplay calculations:
GlassBox is the engine that drives the entire game -- the buildings, the economics, trading, and also the overall simulation that can track data for up to 100,000 individual Sims inside each city. There is a massive amount of computing that goes into all of this, and GlassBox works by attributing portions of the computing to EA servers (the cloud) and some on the player's local computer.
—Lucy Bradshaw, SVP Maxis[52]
After the first beta, EA Management staff discussed Q4 2012 results during which Peter Moore commented on the success of the beta, “SimCity, a completely new version of the treasured classic, includes deep online features. More than 100,000 people played the SimCity beta last weekend,... and the critical reception is shaping up well.”[53]
[hide] Reception
Aggregate scores
Aggregator Score
GameRankings 81.80%[54]
Metacritic 82/100[55]
Review scores
Publication Score
Polygon 8.0/10[56]
This section requires expansion. (March 2013)
SimCity has received positive reviews, with aggregate review websites GameRankings and Metacritic assigning scores of 81.80% and 82/100, respectively.[54][55]
Before the game's release, Russ Pitts of Polygon awarded SimCity a score of 9.5 out of 10, expressing that "it is in every way the fully realized evolution of the franchise and a much welcome iteration, perfectly engineered to dispense the maximum amount of fun in the most efficient way possible." After the game's release on March 5, editor Arthur Gies lowered the score from 9.5 to 8 in response to the emerging technical issues that often rendered the game unplayable.[56] Other reviewers such as Rock, Paper, Shotgun also noted the launch issues with the always-online nature of the game, servers, and cloud save systems.[57][58]
Eurogamer did not review the game on EA's private servers prior to launch, with deputy Editor Oli Welsh stating "We have no early access to the game - although we are hoping to gain access to US servers today. In any event, due to the nature of the game we don't think it's appropriate to review it in any conditions other than through access to the public servers, and to put a decent amount of time into it to boot.".[59] IGN withheld its review score and ran a rolling review featuring updates about the server issues.[60]
At E3 2012 in June 2012, SimCity won 8 awards out of 24 nominations.[61]
On August 23, 2012, SimCity won Gamescom's "Best PC Game" award. The gamescom jury described the video game as having "fantastic graphics" and "struck the right balance between retaining the trademarks of the old parts and making it interesting for beginners".[62][/B]






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