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Old 03-16-2013, 02:14 PM   #1
Join Date: Aug 2007
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Default ÇáÚÇÈ ÓÈÇÞ ÇáÓ*ÇÑÇÊ Ultra Nitro Racers 2012 ãÖÛæØÉ Çáì 30 ã*ÌÇ ÝÞØ

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English | Platform: PC | Release: March 13, 2012 | Publisher: 3DO | Developed: 3DO | 1.23 GB
Genre: Racing Action

Nitro Racers is a racing simulation game from 3DO that was recently released in Europe only. It will be released in the U.S. some time later this year. This fast-paced game puts you in control of a race car as it whips around one of 30 tracks. The game resembles the Off Road game in the arcades, where four trucks battled it out on dirt tracks. Your view of the track is either from high above, where the whole track fits in your screen, or in a split-screen mode. It reminded me of racing the radio-controlled cars around the track in my living room as a kid.

The game can be played in two modes, arcade or simulation. In arcade mode, you play a simple racing game and race the given number of laps; first one across wins. In the management mode, you must watch your fuel and damage and will have to pit at least once in each race. You earn money based on where you finish in each race. In between races you can update the skill of your pit crew, the quality of your tires, or the power of your engine. You will need the added features because the races get tougher and the competition gets faster the farther you go. In both cases, you must stay in the top three among point leaders to continue to the next track. Points are given to each player based on where they finish in a race.

window xp , window vista , window 7 DIREXCT-X 9 OR 10
video card 256 mb ram 512 ,
processor intel pentium4,amd athlon , dual core ,dvd


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